“I truly believe that a fit and healthy body always serves us well”
Inactivity and lack of physical exercise is not an ideal pathway towards health and wellness. Yet a modern lifestyle plus family and career demands can soon have us neglecting this critical aspect of our health. Lockdowns in recent times have greatly hampered many from their normal exercise programmes and as a result, both mental and physical wellbeing levels have declined.
We offer many types of exercise programmes to suit peoples preferences and targets. Some people wish to loose a few pounds, others wish to tone up their bodies or even achieve peak physical performance levels for their dedicated sport. We match the individuals preferred exercise activity to their targets and design a programme plus benchmarks to reach that target. That can be gym, spinning, kettlebells, trx, swimming, running, rowing, tennis, rugby, hockey, mountain-climbing or whatever the sport. We understand physiology, motivation, time and other resources, or lack thereof. We customise your programme, sometimes to combine multiple disciplines to gain the best results. We combine this with understanding the role of your mind in achieving greater results and design a mind exercise programme, including target imprinting to truly stack the odds in your favour. It really is so much more difficult to succeed in any area of life with including the mental approach aspect. Add to this a specialist nutrition plan and you really have a very complete package. We coach face-to-face or alternatively online, or very often a combination of both.