kathleen-farrelly (about)
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Personal Training
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About Kathleen

Dealing with some challenges earlier in my life has made me appreciate the value of coaching as a profession. I have always been curious why some people achieve the great success that they desire while others appear hampered by an endless stream of challenges.

Health & Nutrition

‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ hearkens back to Hippocrates, the father of medicine. A healthy diet includes eating and drinking enough of the right foods to provide your body with the nutrients needed to function properly and maintain health as it is intended to do.

Fitness & PT

Inactivity and lack of physical exercise is not an ideal pathway towards health and wellness. Yet a modern lifestyle plus family and career demands can soon have us neglecting this critical aspect of our health.

Dance Teacher

Over three decades I have build an incredibly successful dance business and culture in Cork. There are others but none to match our reputation for excellence.

Network Marketing Coach

My strong track record with previous experience in climbing the corporate ladder to success gave me a good understanding of business management, people management, supply chain management, sales and financial control. This career and lifestyle unfortunately brought with it a lot of stress and a negative impact on my health.

Forever Health Products

The Forever range of health products are one of the worlds premier range of supplements. I have been selling them to friends and customers for over ten years now and am happy to say that they really are superb... and all natural.

Valuable Health Tips

Here are some of the very best health foundation practices.

Network Marketing and Financial Freedom

Kathleen trained me as one of a group in Network Marketing and today I have created a stable and independent income, choosing my own hours which fits in perfectly around raising my young family. She is an inspiration.

Jean Mc.

Exercise, nutrition, mindset: full support!

Overtraining and burnout left me feeling low and with a yo-yo weight problem. Kathleen thought me about healthy convenient meal plans and most importantly the difference between body depleting exercise and power-giving exercise. Her training and support is complete.

Larry K.

Accelerated recovery and improved performance

As a very keen athlete in my late 30's I continually suffered from very slow recovery after a tough training session or competitive event. With experience in this specialist field, Kathleen had the right natural supplement that allowed me to tighten my training intervals and raise my performance.

Imelda M.

From underweight to stronger and confident

I did not realise the role of the deeper mind plus 'eating for my blood type' in my lifelong struggle with being just too skinny. Kathleen's total range of skills were the perfect support to help me achieve my goals.

Henry F.

Social life and a new sense of confidence

I started with a few dance classes with Kathleen which worked wonders for my confidence, social skills and fitness. Later she helped with my weight loss and today I enjoy a fuller more connected and balanced life with a great circle of friends.

Jenny H.

Transformation in energy and drive

Kathleen has guided me so well in tailored nutrition and lifestyle plan including supplements for better health and stress reduction in my 50's. I would highly recommend her.

Sean O'L..

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